Utilization Of The Betel Plant (Piper Betle) As A Natural Antiseptic To Make Hand Sanitizers
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Public awareness and concern for health procedures in carrying out daily activities in the midst of a pandemic is a necessity that exists in the community. The purpose of this study was to examine how people practice hand hygiene, namely washing their hands or using a hand sanitizer during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses the observation method by coming to Lok Baintan Village and conducting interviews with the Village Head to get information on whether the community in Lok Baintan Village is obedient in implementing health regulations, especially washing hands and using a handsanitizer. The result of this activity is that the community can make their own Handanitizer with natural ingredients that are easily available in the surrounding environment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Education and explanations on how to make natural hand sanitizers are an effective solution for people to easily make their own hand sanitizers at home so they can cut the transmission of the corona virus. These manufacturing and learning techniques are important to try and apply because the tools and materials are easy to find and affordable
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