Education On Making And Spraying Disinfectants In Batakan Village, Panyipatan District, Tanah Laut Regency
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Since the covid-19 virus, the public has really felt the impact. Starting from the decline in the economy to declining health due to being infected with the Covid-19 virus. One effort that can be made to prevent Covid-19 is spraying disinfectant. The government always urges the public to make disinfectant liquid independently at home. However, in Batakan Village, spraying of disinfectant liquid is still rare and there are still many people who do not know how to make disinfectant. Spraying was carried out at schools, cottages, sports buildings and the office of the village head in Batakan Village, Panyipatan District, Tanah Laut Regency. These places are often crowded with residents, so spraying disinfectants is an important preventive measure to take to prevent the spread of covid-19
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