The Improvement of School Children’s Awareness in Tatah Mesjid Village: Preventive Ways for slowing down Covid-19 Spread

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agnes sri handayani
Ahmad Kailani


The Corona virus that causes COVID-19 can attack anyone. The coronavirus disease (covid-19) outbreak is designated as a public health emergency that has troubled the world. The Minister of Education and Culture issued letter Number 3 of 2020 concerning the prevention of Covid-19 in the education unit.  Point 5 of the letter states that ensuring the education unit performs cleaning activities in classroom and environment regularly, especially door handles, light switches, computers, keyboards and other facilities often held by hand. This is done to prevent the transmission of covid-19 at school area. Children are those who are vulnerable to this virus. Thus, the implementation of this community service program is carried out as an effort to increase awareness of elementary school students at SDN 1 Tatah Mesjid so that students can be more vigilant in maintain their health during the learning process. There are steps used in this program namely: 1) Planning Phase, 2) Implementation Phase, 3) socialization participants. For this reason, the socialization of Covid-19 prevention among elementary school students was carried out by providing directions on how to prevent Covid-19, The socialization covered How to Prevent Covid-19 and explanation of what the covid virus is and how it is transmitted so that students understand how to prevent  covid-19. The outcome of program showed that there was an increase in children’s self awareness of maintaining their health by doing healthy daily habit and healthy life.

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How to Cite
handayani, agnes sri, & Kailani, A. . (2021). The Improvement of School Children’s Awareness in Tatah Mesjid Village: Preventive Ways for slowing down Covid-19 Spread . Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 951–955. Retrieved from


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