Education On Making Hand Sanitizers In Sungai Gampa Communities
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Covid-19 is a disease outbreak caused by the Corona virus. WHO officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 in various countries. This epidemic has now become a world problem, including Indonesia. One of the efforts to avoid this virus is to maintain hand hygiene. Currently, many hand sanitizers are offered in the form of hand sanitizers because their use is more practical. Hand sanitizer is practical to use and can be carried anytime and anywhere. Since during the pandemic, people's income has decreased drastically, therefore it is necessary to have education that can be used by the community as provisions for creating jobs, one of which is the manufacture of hand sanitizers. Community empowerment activities in making hand sanitizers were carried out in Sungai Gampa RT.22 Sungai Jingah Village. The purpose of carrying out this activity is to educate the public about the importance of a clean and healthy life in order to avoid contracting Covid-19, one of which is by using a hand sanitizer. In addition, this activity also aims to make people have skills that can be used to create jobs to optimize the people's economy and be more productive during a pandemic.
Article Details
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