Providing Education on How to Make Disinfectants with Household Chemicals to The Villagers
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The Indonesian government has made efforts to raise awareness, especially in terms of handling and preventing the spread of cases, by issuing Covid-19 Handling Protocols for various sectors. One way to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus can be done by spraying disinfectant on objects around it. Disinfectants are one of the keys to preventing the spread of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. The lack of information obtained by the community regarding the mixture of materials used to disinfect is the reason for the implementation of the Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Mandiri (KKN-M) work program in the form of counseling on how to make disinfectants to the people of Beringin Village to make people know how to make disinfectants independently to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The method used was to distribute leaflets and masks and provide education with lectures and door-to-door discussions. The results of the activity in the form of community understanding were seen from the ability to repeat the disinfectant-making method described by the KKN-Mandiri participants. The conclusion of this activity is a positive community response, the Head of the Village of Beringin also gives support to his villagers to make disinfectants by them selves
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