Education On Maintaining Health Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic And Education On Pharmaceuticals
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Until now, most Universities have adopted KKN as part of activities that must be followed by students. With health is a state of health, whether physical, mental, spiritual or social, which allows everyone to lead a productive life socially and economically. Pharmaceutical preparations are medicines, herbal ingredients, traditional medicines and cosmetics. With the purpose of labeling and information related to pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices is to protect the public from information on pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices that are not objective, incomplete and misleading. Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals. The method used is social media, namely Instagram and Youtube. The results of education through social media on Instagram and Youtube received a positive response. In conclusion, online education through social media, Instagram and Youtube, gets positive values from users of social media networks.
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