Fostering An Attitude Of Love Indonesian To Children In Batakan Village
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Indonesian is the national language of the Indonesian state which must be preserved. As the younger generation, it is very necessary to instill an attitude of love and pride towards the Indonesian language. Currently, the problem that occurs is a lack of awareness of loving Indonesian attitude which is influenced by several factors. Education in Indonesia is inseparable from the use of good and correct Indonesian, the goal is for education to be carried out well. Batakan Village is one of the villages that has a young generation, especially children who are still in elementary school. The data obtained states that education in Batakan Village is still low. This has an impact on the limited acquisition of Indonesian. By cultivating an attitude of love for Indonesia, it is hoped that the children in Batakan Village will have an awareness that as the next generation of the nation, they must have a sense of love and pride in the country's language. The result of the work program carried out is a proud attitude and fluency in the use of Indonesian.
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