The Importance Of Increasing Reading Interenst Of Fourth Grade Students Of SD Negeri Batakan 1
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The purpose of this service is to increase reading interest in Batakan Village, especially fourth grade students of SD Negeri Batakan 1, as an effort to overcome low reading interest. Reading interest has an influence on students' intelligence, namely increasing knowledge and insight, increasing vocabulary and students who read more fluently. This service uses a qualitative descriptive analysis of the problem of low reading interest in grade IV students of Batakan 1. Efforts to increase students' reading interest are the responsibility of teachers and parents. In an effort to increase student interest who is given motivation and efforts to foster feelings in students. Visiting the library must meet the needs of students to overcome low reading interest in SD Negeri Batakan 1. The results of this service have increased reading interest among fourth grade students of SD Negeri Batakan 1. The use of poster media as a learning medium and providing a reading list of books has a very good effect on students in increasing interest in reading.
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