Education and Distribution of Vitamin C to Village Communities The Spirit of Service So that People Can Maintain Immunity during the Covid-19 Pandemic
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The Corona or Covid-19 virus which is increasingly prevalent in a number of countries, now everyone is required to start increasing stamina, including mothers of children. They certainly have to ensure that nutritional intake can be fulfilled so that the body's resistance remains stable, so that dangerous viruses do not easily attack. In an effort to increase immunity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, consuming vitamin C is one of the recommended ways and also improves food nutrition. This community activity is carried out to maintain the immune system of the village community with a spirit of devotion. Activities are carried out by providing education both online and directly to the public. Online education is carried out by uploading 10 contents consisting of 5 poster content and 5 video content to the Instagram and Youtube platforms while direct education is carried out by distributing Vitamin C to the community of Semangat Bakti village door to door.
Article Details
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