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Covid-19 cases continue to increase until now. This virus spreads to various regions in Indonesia, including the area in Tinggiran Baru village. One way to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus is by washing your hands properly as often as possible. Education related to how to wash hands in the correct 6 steps is needed to minimize the spread of Covid-19, where elementary students have started learning offline. This community service method is carried out in online and offline forms. The stages of offline activities are field observation, then socialization related to washing hands 6 steps followed by 12 extension participants. The aim of this education is to form a new habit of washing hands as often as possible to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus infection. The result of this educational program is that participants have an understanding and will apply new habits that are carried out regularly to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Educational conclusions related to how to wash hands in 6 steps for students at SDN Tinggiran Baru 3 have a good impact.
Article Details
Adityo S.C., Martin R., Ceva W.P.,Widayat D.S., Mira Y., Herikurniawan., Robert S., Gurmeet S., Leonard N., Erni J N., Lie K.C, Alvina W., Edwin W., Bramantya W., Maradewi M., Firda A., Chyntia OM.J., Evy Y. (2020). Corona Virus Desease 2019 : Tinjauan Literatur Terkini.Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia. 7.(1). Hal 45-67.
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