The Importance Of Breakfast And Eating Nutritious Foods For Children As Efforts To Increase Immunity In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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Naura Qatrunnada


The Covid-19 pandemic is currently very vulnerable to infecting everyone, including children. Children are very vulnerable to Covid-19 because they are still actively playing outside the home during the pandemic. One of the efforts to prevent Covid-19 infection in children is by having breakfast and eating nutritious foods. With the nutrients from the food consumed, it will increase the child's immune system. However, there are still many children who rarely or never have breakfast and do not know what foods are nutritious, it is very important to introduce nutritious foods to improve their breakfast habits. The purpose of this study was to introduce nutritious food to children as a menu of choice at breakfast and to foster health care attitudes by eating nutritious foods in children. The research method used is offline methods. The offline method is by distributing milk and fruit as examples of nutritious food along with posters of the importance of breakfast during a pandemic. The results of the offline method can be seen from the enthusiasm of children when receiving milk and fruit along with information on posters.

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How to Cite
Qatrunnada, N., & Mira. (2021). The Importance Of Breakfast And Eating Nutritious Foods For Children As Efforts To Increase Immunity In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 369–372. Retrieved from


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