Distribution of B3 Waste Temporary Hazardous Waste Storage Locations For Handling Disposible Mask Waste In Kampung Kenanga Kelurahan Sungai Jingah
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Medical masks are considered more effective in preventing transmission of Covid-19. So that the government makes policies, namely New Normal, such as maintaining distance, using masks when leaving the house. But there is another problem that lurks from the use of disposable masks, namely the waste that pollutes the environment. Disposable mask waste can be categorized as medical-infectious waste, namely as special solid domestic waste that is treated like toxic hazardous waste. The government through the Ministry of Health has issued guidelines on managing mask waste from the community. However, in its application, there are still many people who do not know how to manage mask waste on a household scale.
The basic ingredient of disposable masks is Polypropylene, which is a kind of plastic that is often used for food containers. Polypropylene itself takes a long time to decompose naturally. The results of the decomposition contain microplastics that pollute the environment. Even then, disposable mask waste can already pollute the environment. Used masks are non-recyclable waste, so they must be disposed of or processed in temporary shelters. The processing is carried out by correct methods such as incinerators or pyrolysis (thermal treatment without oxygen).
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