‘Let’s Play Together!’: Activating Psychology of Play in School Children during the New Normal Era

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Aditya Putra Yudha Wiratama
Ahmad Kailani Kailani


Playing is the most important thing for children during the pandemic Covid-19. Various studies indicated that playing activities can have relatively permanent effects.  Plays will affect the improvement of the physical, psychological and social qualities of children. From a physical aspect, the activity can improve the function of organs such as heart, blood vessels, lungs, muscles, bones, joints, improve metabolism in the body, reduce body fat and balance cholesterol. From a psychological aspect, playing help children to be more resistant to stress and more able to concentrate. Besides that,it can increase feelings of achievement. From the social aspect, playing can increase self-confidence for children, cooperation and as an effective means of communication. Taking into account all the aformentioned benefits of play, this community service program was intended to invite children in Tatah Mesjid Village, Alalak Barito Kuala Subdistrict, especially at SDN 1 Tatah Mesjid,  to enjoy playing activities during this New Normal Era. After the program ended, the participants showed excitement and enthusiasm. Their motivation of life was sparked and they wanted to explore other various of children play. It is expected that this impression will inspire children at Tatah Mesjid Village to be more optimistic and resilient in facing this new era.

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How to Cite
Wiratama, A. P. Y., & Kailani, A. K. (2021). ‘Let’s Play Together!’: Activating Psychology of Play in School Children during the New Normal Era. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1). Retrieved from https://proceeding.mbunivpress.or.id/index.php/bamara/article/view/197


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