Education on the introduction of DAGUSIBU Medicine in Panca Karya village

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Hatimah Hatimah
Dedi Hartanto


The problem that often occurs in the community is health, especially related to medicine in Indonesian society, which continues to increase over time. The problem that often arises in the community is the perspective that does not understand the proper and correct use and handling of drugs. Knowledge about medicine must be owned by all levels of society. Through the DAGUSIBU program, the drug is one of the right solutions to overcome this problem, so that there are no errors in drug use. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of the Panca Karya Village community regarding how to properly obtain, use, store and dispose of medicines. The method used in this education uses leaflets and explains the contents of the leaflets. As a result of walking along the road in Panca Karya Village and home visits, some people apply proper and correct ways of using and managing medicines, one of which is storing medicines in medicine boxes. The community also understands what is explained about proper and correct use and management. After this education is carried out, it is hoped that the community can share information with their families and the surrounding environment about the use of good and good medicine, and the community will be more concerned with consuming and managing existing drugs.

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How to Cite
Hatimah, H., & Hartanto, D. (2021). Education on the introduction of DAGUSIBU Medicine in Panca Karya village. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 616–620. Retrieved from


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