Making Traditional Herbs from Rhizomes to Increase Body Resistance During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sungai Tabuk District, Lok Baintan Luar Village
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COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is an outbreak of a disease that infects the human respiratory tract. This epidemic does not only occur in Indonesia, but also occurs in almost all countries in the world. COVID-19 is a disturbing epidemic because it spreads very quickly through human contact, one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to strengthen the immune system (immunity) by consuming foods and drinks that are rich in antioxidants and immune boosters. The use of herbal medicine as a natural herbal drink in which there is turmeric, ginger and curcuma with curcumin content in it is claimed to prevent infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The method used in the manufacture of these herbs using the co-crystallization method with the crystallizing agent is sugar. These plants have high antioxidant compounds so that they can increase immunity and can ward off viruses and diseases. Consuming this herbal drink is a preventive measure to avoid viruses and diseases because it has potential as an antiviral.
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