Health Post to Help Residents Affected by Floods in the Banjar District
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South Kalimantan has established a disaster emergency response status due to flash floods that hit 7 cities. One of the most severely affected districts is Martapura District, which is located in Banjar Regency. So that residents whose houses are submerged in floods have to take refuge in evacuation sites. One of the bad effects of this natural disaster is the paralysis of health care employees and people who are also susceptible to sickness. Therefore, the existence of a health post is very necessary for residents, especially refugees. So the District Health Office of Banjar established a health post in charge of preparing logistics as well as distributing it directly to affected citizens. This process is carried out in collaboration with a team of health staffers from various professions who go directly to the evacuation site and provide free health services. One of the refugee camps that had been visited was at Madrasah Darul Ma'rifah. From the results of the service that has been carried out by the volunteer team serving 35 patients with the most complaints of disease is itching.
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