Training on making disinfectants in Pulau Telo Village

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Norsarida Aryani
Rahmatya Nurmeidina


The increase in positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesian society is indeed a frightening thing, for people who are in the red zone of Covid-19. In this case, surveys and interviews were conducted with the people of Pulau Telo regarding Covid-19 in the new normal era. The method of observation is by conducting interviews with the village head of Pulau Telo to obtain information regarding whether the community in the village can make bottle disinfectants carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim is to provide an overview of lessons learned and how to make and use bottle disinfectants in Pulau Telo village. The results of the study and an explanation of how to make bottle disinfectants are an effective solution for people to easily make their own disinfectants at home. To stop the transmission of the corona virus because so far the pandemic is very risky. These manufacturing and learning techniques are important to try and apply because the tools and materials are easy to find and affordable.

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How to Cite
Aryani, N., & Nurmeidina, R. (2021). Training on making disinfectants in Pulau Telo Village. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 463–467. Retrieved from


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