Providing Information on How to Self Manufactur Natural Ingredients As Herbal Medicene at Home

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Muhammad Riduan
Dewi Setya Pharamitha


Indonesia is currently experiencing a health and economic crisis due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Traditional medicine is an alternative that can be used by the community to cut ties chain of transmission and maintain immunity. Traditional herbal medicine is a traditional medicine herbal medicine that has been practiced for centuries in Indonesian society to maintain health. Herbal medicine has many benefits, one of which is to maintain immunity to avoid viruses that exist today. Especially at this time when there is no suitable medicine for a disease, people will return to using plants as alternative medicine with various benefits. Plants that can be consumed and used as traditional ingredients to increase immunity include ginger, carrots and lemongrass. This education was carried out by counseling to public. In this program gives information to villagers can make herbal medicine and distribute the tutorial of making herbal medicine by social media. This information hopes that the community can practice it at home to prevent transmission of the covid-19 virus.

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How to Cite
Riduan, M., & Pharamitha, D. S. (2021). Providing Information on How to Self Manufactur Natural Ingredients As Herbal Medicene at Home. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 737–741. Retrieved from


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