Education of Cough and sneeze ethics in public
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Covid-19 cases continue to increase until now. This virus spreads to various regions in Indonesia, including the area in Tinggiran Baru village. One way to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus is by applying the correct ethics of coughing and sneezing. Education related to the correct ethics of coughing and sneezing is needed to minimize the spread of covid-19. This educational activity was carried out in February 2021 in Tinggiran Baru Village, Mekarsari District. Methods of community service activities are carried out in online and offline forms. The stages of offline activities were field observation, then education related to the correct ethics of coughing and sneezing, which was attended by 15 educational participants. The results of this educational program can be seen with people who have increased understanding and application after this community service is carried out. Educational conclusions related to the correct ethics of coughing and sneezing on society have a good and significant impact.
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