Digital Media Platform as a Media for Medium Enterprises to Improve Honey Sales of Beringin Village

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Muhammad Alfiyani
Dewi Setya Paramitha


Digital marketing is a promotional activity and market search through online digital media by utilizing various means such as social networking. The virtual world is now not only able to connect people with devices, but also people with other people all over the world. Digital marketing which usually consists of interactive and integrated marketing facilitates interaction between producers, market intermediaries, and potential consumers. Beringin village has entrepreneurial opportunities for honey production, but one of the problems faced by the community of Beringin Village was product branding. Therefore, to resolve that problem the Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Mandiri (KKN-M) program implements digital marketing methods. This program runs via video about digital marketing for marketing and support sales revenue, the response of the community was really interested. Entrepreneurs feel an insight into the importance of digital marketing for the present pandemic and the future to increase their sales

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How to Cite
Alfiyani, M., & Paramitha, D. S. (2021). Digital Media Platform as a Media for Medium Enterprises to Improve Honey Sales of Beringin Village. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 468–471. Retrieved from


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