Initial psychological treatment for flood-affected victims with HIMPSI and volunteers at Pal 6 Terminal on Jalan Pramuka

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Noryana Noryana
jamiatul hamidah


This initial psychological assistance activity was given to victims affected by flooding in the South Kalimantan area, especially given to children and adults who needed special treatment. This activity aims to prevent Post Traumatic Disorder after a natural disaster. Children are given treatment in the form of drawing activities and adults will be given treatment in the form of free counseling. This PDA activity was carried out at the Pal 6 terminal, on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. This location was chosen based on data obtained by the transportation agency and also volunteers who had already carried out observations and field surveys where they would be given treatment

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How to Cite
Noryana, N., & hamidah, jamiatul . (2021). Initial psychological treatment for flood-affected victims with HIMPSI and volunteers at Pal 6 Terminal on Jalan Pramuka. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 778–782. Retrieved from


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