Prevention Of Covid-19 Hoax News Spreading

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Habibah Habibah
Rahmatya Nurmeidina


The large spread of news about covid-19 makes people more afraid but not a few also consider covid-19 not creepy. Public awareness and concern for health protocols in carrying out daily activities in the middle of the pandemic by implementing a new normal is a must that exists in the community. In this case, observations and interviews, and lectures were conducted to the people of Anjir Pasar Kota 1 related to covid-19 in the new normal era to find out how much awareness and concern of the community to covid-19 and how the people of Anjir Pasar Kota 1 respond to covid-19 news that is widely spread on the internet. The results of observations, interviews, and lectures to the people of Anjir Pasar Kota 1 are still many who do not wear masks when out of the house and do not comply with the Health Protocol set by the government and the many hoax news about covid-19.

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How to Cite
Habibah, H., & Nurmeidina, R. (2021). Prevention Of Covid-19 Hoax News Spreading. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 126–130. Retrieved from


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