Introduction to household-scale floating cultivation methods and education about the benefits of vegetables grown in Hilir Mesjid Village, Anjir Pasar District

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Tomi Erwan Syahputra
Muhammad Anwari


Hilir Mesjid Village is a village where most of the population work as farmers. The rice fields in the village area are peat swamps with acidic soil and water conditions so that there are only a few choices of plants that can be cultivated. The purpose of this Community Service is the introduction of modified floating agriculture with the aim of optimizing the potential of the land owned, empowering local farmers, improving the welfare of local farmers and producing organic harvests by distributing leaflets and making videos of floating farming procedures and holding short discussions. Results and discussion, this activity was attended by representatives of the Hilir Mesjid village farmer group where the leaflets were disseminated and discussed, during the discussion the farmers showed their interest in introduced agricultural techniques seen from the sufficient number of questions and the length of time. from the discussion. In this session, the discussion also delivered recommendations for plants that can be cultivated such as kale, red spinach and celery which can survive with the characteristics of soil and water that have high acid levels.

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How to Cite
Syahputra, T. E., & Anwari, M. (2021). Introduction to household-scale floating cultivation methods and education about the benefits of vegetables grown in Hilir Mesjid Village, Anjir Pasar District . Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 173–176. Retrieved from


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