Environmental Management Efforts During The Covid-19 Pandemic
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The community certainly really needs to keep the environment clean, especially at times like this which are prone to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, environmental cleanliness is the main factor for living a healthy, clean and far from disease. An environment that is not properly maintained will have negative impacts such as the emergence of various diseases, to environmental damage such as flooding. Self-awareness is very important in fostering a sense of care for the environment. This is what motivates the author to raise the KKN-Mandiri 2021 individual work program in the field of environmental and solid waste management, with the aim of this activity to increase public awareness of healthy living by managing the environment properly as anticipation and self-protection from spreading disease. as well as minimizing environmental impacts with the socialization of environmental management, it is expected that public awareness in maintaining cleanliness and health will increase. This activity is carried out by socializing and distributing posters to the public and students. Judging from the community's participation in socialization and discussion activities which are very good, it is expected to be able to increase public awareness in protecting the environment for the future
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