Disinfectant Spraying Program as a Form of Improving Sanitation and Hygiene in Efforts to Prevent the Covid-19 Virus in the Village
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Covid-19 is a disease that occurs in various parts of the world and is a form of public concern. Various things have been suggested as an effort to prevent and break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 case, one of which is by spraying disinfectants. Sungai Pitung Village was the target of the 2020 UMBJM KKN team considering that the community still did not pay attention to health protocols, one of which was maintaining environmental health. The 2020 UMBJM KKN team carried out door-to-door spraying of disinfectant to village facilities and residents' homes as well as socializing disinfectants using the lecture method. The purpose of this activity is to help the people of Sungai Pitung Village to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 and to provide information on the importance of using disinfectants. The conclusion of the activities carried out was that the 2020 UMBJM KKN succeeded in opening people's insights on the importance of using disinfectants, as seen from the number of people who gave questions and discussions about the use of disinfectants as well as from the results of the evaluation which showed an increase in public understanding of disinfectants. In this activity, the community gave a positive response when all activities were carried out
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