The Design Of The Village Gate Uses The Sketchup Software Application For The Pantai Hambawang Village
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Gate is a structure in the form of an entrance to an area or region. The Gate is a very familiar form of welcome expression, the gate represents the hospitality and respect of the host to every person or guest who comes. Making a village gate design using the SketchUp 2018 software application and the purpose of making this village gate is so that people visiting from outside the village will find it easier to know and easier to remember Pantai Hambawang Village, besides that the expected goal of making this village gate design is later- became an icon of Pantai Hambawang Village. This type of research is a type of descriptive quantitative research and observation methods. From the results of field observations, it was found that since 1970 Pantai Hambawang Village has not had a village gate. It is hoped that after submitting the results of the gate design for the village apparatus and the people of Pantai Hambawang Village, they can be moved to realize the construction of the village gate so that the quality of Pantai Hambawang Village can continue to increase, because in every area there is definitely tourism potential that can be used to make the area or village known by wide community.
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