Use of clean and healthy public latrines in sei pitung villagers
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Environmental sanitation is one of the components of environmental health which is a deliberate behavior to foster hygienic biodiversity to prevent humans from personal contact with feces and other hazardous waste materials in the hope of maintaining and improving human health. Currently, access to sanitation, especially the use of healthy latrines, is still a serious problem. The high number of defecation in any place is one indicator of this low access. The bad impact of defecating in any place is the transmission of infectious diseases such as hepatitis A, polio, cholera, and other diseases related to access to latrines. Purpose: So that the villagers of sei pitung know how to keep the toilet they are using. Methods: The method used was to make leaflets about healthy latrines, distribute the citizens who still use public latrines and stick the leaflets in the latrine. Conclusion: The majority of sei pitung villagers still use public toilets due to the difficulty of getting clean water from the PDAM
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