Hypertension Prevention and Control Education

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Rima Khoriyatul Ulum
Yenni Okvitasari


Hypertension control in Alalak Island Village is still not good based on the recognition of the local community even though there are many effective drugs available to reduce high blood pressure. This happens because most people in the village have an unhealthy diet, a lifestyle such as smoking, lack of physical activity and less consumption of vegetables and fruit. This hypertension prevention and control education aims to provide knowledge about the meaning of hypertension, risk factors, symptoms, and ways to prevent and control hypertension. Education was carried out on February 15, 2021 in Alalak Island Village by involving adults as targets and posting posters in places frequently visited by the community such as the Village Hall and Integrated Health-Family Planning Service Posts (Posyandu).

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How to Cite
Ulum, R. K., & Okvitasari, Y. (2021). Hypertension Prevention and Control Education. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 583–586. Retrieved from https://proceeding.mbunivpress.or.id/index.php/bamara/article/view/30


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