Counseling About Good Use Of Drugs And True In The Jejangkit Pasar Village
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Public knowledge about the world of health, especially medicine is still very limited, even though medicine is an ingredient that is easy to find around us. Medicines must always be used correctly in order to provide optimal clinical benefit. In this activity, counseling was carried out on the proper and correct use of drugs in Jejangkit Pasar village where explanations about drugs were given. Increasingly, the use of drugs has not been supported by public knowledge about how to consume drugs that are good and correct. Providing correct information on drug use is a public need in order to avoid adverse health effects. The method used in achieving these goals is socialization or outreach activities to the Jejangkit Pasar village community. In counseling activities on how to use drugs properly and correctly, socialized material will be discussed, namely an explanation of the general definition of drugs, drug classifications consisting of free drugs, limited free drugs, hard drugs, psychotropic drugs and narcotic drugs. Then the explanation of drug preparations and how to use them, needs special attention so that there is no mistake in using drugs that are good and right.
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