Trauma Healing by Playtherapy Methods for Children

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nabila diva khana
Dina rafidiyah


Disasters are one of the calamities that cannot be predicted, namely events that often cause scars that are difficult to lose in one's mind and thoughts. The disasters that have happened to ourselves, our families, and other people must have indirectly left wounds where the wounds are sometimes not realized by a few people but show a visible impact that can interfere with daily life for those who experience it. For example, disaster victims will unconsciously feel anxious, afraid, and anxious so that over time it makes sufferers experience trauma. Trauma is one of the psychological conditions of a person that occurs as a result of a bad event that befell a person. Events that occur make people who experience them feel insecure and feel anxious when someone is traumatized.

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How to Cite
khana, nabila diva, & rafidiyah, D. (2022). Trauma Healing by Playtherapy Methods for Children. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 532–534. Retrieved from


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