Tips to Increase Body Immunity to avoid transmissions of Covid-19 in Banjarmasin Selatan
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Covid-19 cases continue to increase until now. This virus spreadsvarious parts of Indonesia including the area RT. 21 Tatah Belayung syb-district of Tanjung Pagar. One of the ways to break the chain of spread and prevent transmissions of covid-19 by increasing the body’s immune system. Socialization regrading tips on how increase immunity is vert necessary where people still do not understand the efforts to increase the body’s immunity, especially at RT. 21 Tatah belayung. The method of community service activities carried out is in the form of online and offline. The stages of offline activities, namely the observation of the area, then the outreach socialization which took place at the Tahtaliwa Ilhamdi mosque which was attended by 10 participants in the counseling. The results of this service program can be seen with people who have a better understanding and knowledge of the community that increases after this community service is carried out. The conclusion counseling related to increasing body immunity at Tatah Belayung community had a good and significant impact.
Article Details
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