Utilization Of TOGA (Family Medicinal Plants) to Increase Immunity During a Pandemic to the Villagers of Sewangi Island
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The Corona virus (COVID-19) affect more than 100 million people worldwide. Every day Postivie Cases of Covid-19 are increasing in the world. One way to protect ourself from being infected with this virus is to increase the body’s immunity by utilizing medicinal plants such as turmeric, ginger, and galanga.This socialization has the main objective of increasing public understanding of the use of herbal plants to increase body immunity which is carried out by lecture, discussion and knowledge sharing methods by complying with health protocols. Before carrying out socialization through 3 stages, namely the observation stage, the preparation stage and the implementation stage. Participants aged 20-65 who joined were given information about the use of family medicinal plants (Toga) which can be used as preparations to increase body immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic. From the results of the data filling in the satisfaction questionnaire by 20 participants stated that 56% chose very well and 44% chose good, this shows that the socialization carried out has brought benefits to the residents of Sewangi Island Village
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