Making Mango Smoothie as Immune Booster For The Residents During The Pandemic

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Diva Nur Inayah
Herman Ariadi


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the most important thing to do is to boost body immune to avoid the Covid-19 virus. To increase that, aside from exercising and sunbathing, its also recommended to consume vitamins, especially vitamin c. The most important food sources that contain vit c are fruit and vegetables. Smoothies are drinks that contain fruit, yogurt or milk that are nutritious for increasing body immune. Mango smoothie were chosen because besides containing vitamin C which is nutritious for boosting the immune system, they also have a good taste because they contain milk or yogurt which contains protein which is good for the immune system. The method is by demonstrating how to make smoothie from mangoes accompanies by education and questions and answers regarding the content of mangoes which contain vitamins to increase body immune. The results of this activity can add information and increase participants knowledge from 72.22% to 97.22%. The conclusion is mango smoothie a health drink as an immune booster as well as an alternative drink for consumption by children who do not like herbal drinks such as ginger.

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How to Cite
Inayah, D. N., & Ariadi, H. (2022). Making Mango Smoothie as Immune Booster For The Residents During The Pandemic. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 478–482. Retrieved from


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