The Introduction Of Literature to 12 Year old In South Banjarmasin Trough National Folklore
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Literature has great potential to bring society towards change, including character change (Aminuddin in Farahiba 2017:54). So it is very appropriate when taught to children so that they can learn character education from an early age. The teaching of literature to be taught to children in this case in trough the national people’s ceter. The aim of teaching literature is that children get to know character education form an early age and to increas children’s interest in learning about literature. Meanwhile, the methods used in this activity are online and offline methods. The offline method is carried out when teaching literature to children is carried out. While the online method is carried out after the teaching is carried out. Namely by creating content via Instagram and Youtube. The tools needed in this activity are laptops, desk and ccellphones as a medium for uploading video content. The folklore videos were obtained from the Youtube channel “Our Tales”. Based on the result of reviews obtained after the activity was carried out. Namely, increasing children’s understanding of floklore in South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and Central Java as well as increasing children’s understanding of character education.
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