Social Activity "Pojok Gembira" By Coloring With The Elderly, In The Village Lok Baintan Banjarmasin, During The Pandemic Covid-19

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Suciati Eka Putri
Noor Amaliah


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused paralysis in various aspects, especially the economic aspect, with some policies of the central government or local governments requiring people to work at home, maintain a safe distance and avoid crowds or crowds. To reduce the number of infected and dead victims of COVID-19, it is increasing every day. The elderly group is a group that is vulnerable to contracting covid 19 this is due to a decrease in immunity, age over 65 years, chronic diseases suffered by the elderly. The method used in community service activities is education with the theme of embracing the elderly who are happier and more prosperous in the pandemic period through coloring activities. The results obtained from this activity are an increase in public knowledge, especially the elderly, to pay more attention to the health conditions of the elderly, both physically and psychologically. It is hoped that the adaptation of new habits in society, especially with the elderly, can be carried out with high awareness and discipline so as to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

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How to Cite
Putri, S. E., & Amaliah, N. . (2022). Social Activity "Pojok Gembira" By Coloring With The Elderly, In The Village Lok Baintan Banjarmasin, During The Pandemic Covid-19. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 354–358. Retrieved from


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