Social Activity "Pojok Riang" By Playing Puzzles With The Elderly, In The Village Lok Baintan Banjarmasin, During The Pandemic Covid-19

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Fatimah Fatimah
Noor Amaliah


Elderly who experience a decline in cognitive function will result in daily activities not infrequently to dependence on others. Likewise with the social activities of the elderly. With social activities, it can motivate the elderly to maintain good social relationships and develop creative power, so that the elderly live their lives full of enthusiasm and happiness, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, which limits many social activities. Social activities through the elderly meeting held are certainly very useful in supporting cognitive, mental and social health, as well as providing enthusiasm to stay active during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cognitive function itself consists of learning processes, perception, understanding and rationalization. Most of the elderly face a decline in cognitive function. The solution to overcome the problems that occur is to improve cognitive function in the elderly. Non-pharmacological therapy program to inhibit the decline in cognitive function, and can remember long-term and short-term memory that can hone the cognitive abilities of the elderly. The method used in this community service activity is education with the theme of embracing the elderly who are happier and more prosperous during the Covid-19 pandemic through puzzle and congklak activities. The results obtained from this activity are an increase in public knowledge, especially the elderly, to pay more attention to the health conditions of the elderly, both physically and psychologically, and it is hoped that the adaptation of new habits in the community, especially with the elderly, can be carried out with high awareness and discipline, so as to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

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How to Cite
Fatimah, F., & Amaliah, N. . (2022). Social Activity "Pojok Riang" By Playing Puzzles With The Elderly, In The Village Lok Baintan Banjarmasin, During The Pandemic Covid-19. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 752–756. Retrieved from


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