Learning Mathematics Using Props During The Covid-19 Pandemic As An Effort To Increase Children’S Interest In Learning Mathematics

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Nafisa Nur Zaqiyah
Hanny Maria Caesarina


Learning mathematics which is still monotonous makes children feel bored when learning mathematics. Props are learning media that involve children in an active role in learning. The goal of learning mathematics using props in children aged 12 years is to foster intersest in learning mathematics. This activity was carried out at the Ar-rahmah Banjarmasin Orphanage Foundation. The methods used in this activity are online methods and offline methods. The offline method is carried out at the time of implementing mathematics learning using props to children. Meanwhile, the online method is carried out befora and after teaching, namely by creating content on Instagram and Youtube. The content on Instagram ang Youtube tells about how to make props used in carrying out activities. The result obtained in mathematics learning activities using props in children aged 12 years are an interest in mathematics. The average percentage increase in interest in learning mathematics by 26,6%. Therefore, mathematics props increase the interest in learning mathematics in children.

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How to Cite
Zaqiyah, N. N., & Caesarina, H. M. (2021). Learning Mathematics Using Props During The Covid-19 Pandemic As An Effort To Increase Children’S Interest In Learning Mathematics. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 206–213. Retrieved from https://proceeding.mbunivpress.or.id/index.php/bamara/article/view/37


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