Play Activities To Overcoming Children’s Learning Saturation In The Pandemic Era
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Learning saturation occurs because there are requirements for students to always obey the rules given to them. Learning saturation itself has an impact on students for their survival, because saturation is a dead end of feelings and the result of continuous learning pressure. Online learning policies during the pandemic are the main solution so that the learning process continues. However, in its implementation there are obstacles and shortcomings. The purpose of this activity is to find out whether the application of play activities in overcoming children's learning saturation in the pandemic era can be overcome, especially for children in the Puri Awanis 2 complex. With the research subjects of children aged 6-10 years old and totaling 9 people, divided to 1 male and 8 female. While the results of these activities indicate that the saturation of learning in children can be overcome with the play activities that have been presented. Which can be seen from the cohesiveness and enthusiasm in following it. It is hoped this activity can help children overcome the saturation of online learning in the current pandemic era
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