Education Related To How To Process Infused Water For Family Medicinal Plants (FMP)

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Nur Eva Shaleha


From time to time the drink has grown, starting from the taste of the mixture used. One of them is infused water, many people already know about infused water, but many people don't know about the drink. Infused water is a drink that contains water and sliced ​​fruit, vegetables or herbs that are soaked for several hours until the water changes colour and taste. The aim is to introduce infused water to the wider community, help people to consume healthy drinks and utilize family medicinal plants in a unique and easy way, as well as to help people who are less able to consume water. The method used is educating the community in the Terantang village with a maximum target of 20 mothers and also opening a question and answer session. After conducting the education and question and answer session, I gave them a questionnaire that they had to fill out. The questionnaire contains participants' satisfaction with what I have conveyed. The results obtained by all participants were satisfied with what I conveyed and were well received. This proves that the participants were very enthusiastic and satisfied with the education provided.

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How to Cite
Shaleha, N. E., & Mira. (2022). Education Related To How To Process Infused Water For Family Medicinal Plants (FMP). Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 324–329. Retrieved from


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