Taking Care Of the Mental Health Of Parents During the Covid 19 Pandemic

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Pratiwi Puji Lestari


Parents are people who are responsible for a family or household tasks which in everyday life are often referred to as fathers and mothers. Parents are at the middle adulthood level who are around 30-60 years old. During the current covid 19 pandemic, apart from taking care of everyone's physical health, one of them parents must take care of their mental health psychologically. Maintaining mental health is no less important because maintaining mental health can increase positive feelings and avoid stress and anxiety in a person, especially in parents. Changes in the dynamics of life and social responsibilities cause some parents to try to adapt better. When the emergence of stress and anxiety disorders in the elderly can affect the immune system resistance. Anxiety usually comes from the perception of uncontrolled events, so that individuals will focus on controlled actions. In the context of this pandemic, examples of controlled actions taken include exercising, meditation, painting, playing music, gardening, cooking, reading books, watching movies, and so on. These activities match the individual's interests and abilities as a formidable and protective strategy to deal with stress, anxiety, and panic. Therefore, in maintaining mental health for parents in the era of the 2019 coronavirus-disease (COVID-19) pandemic, it can prevent or even provide treatment for the mental condition of parents so that a strong environment is formed in dealing with the pandemic

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How to Cite
Mahmudah, & Lestari, P. P. . (2022). Taking Care Of the Mental Health Of Parents During the Covid 19 Pandemic. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 349–353. Retrieved from https://proceeding.mbunivpress.or.id/index.php/bamara/article/view/390


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