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In the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, people need to be aware of the importance of maintaining health and endurance. One of the ways that people are starting to get busy is consuming traditional herbal products and processing medicinal plants. The Beringin Village in the Alalak District area in Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan province is also affected by this pandemic condition. Although it is located quite far from the city, community activities are still limited. The background work of the community in Beringin Village is farming. With this, it is very easy to find nutritious herbal plants that are grown by the residents themselves or sold around the community. Herbal products that are often used by the people of Beringin Village are in the form of ready-made powder preparations. The method used is counseling and discussion, and from the results obtained, the participants are enthusiastic about the material presented.
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