Education On The Importance Of Overcoming Fears Of Getting Vaccinated Against Covid-19

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Muhammad Anwari


Corona virus is a new type of virus that has now shocked the world community. The problem is this virus has managed to infect thousands of millions of people globally in a short time. Even humans without showing symptoms of being infected with the corona virus can also spread it to other humans. Stopping the spread of this virus is not enough just to prevent its transmission but also to strengthen the body's immune system by vaccinating. However, most people say that the possible side effects of this vaccine are a major worry factor, as well as the lack of confidence in the government regarding its safety and efficacy. Given that this vaccine is still relatively new and concerns about the politicization that arose during the process of making this vaccine, it also increases public fear. Various myths and hoaxes circulating about the Covid-19 vaccine are one of the factors that drive people's fear of getting vaccinated. The purpose of writing this journal is to raising public awareness about the importance of overcoming fear of vaccination against Covid-19.

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How to Cite
Purnama, & Anwari, M. . (2022). Education On The Importance Of Overcoming Fears Of Getting Vaccinated Against Covid-19. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 694–697. Retrieved from


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