The Importance Of Consuming Vitamins And Minerals During The Covid-19 Pandemic
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This community service aims to provide information and increase knowledge about the dangers of covid-19 and the importance of consuming vitamins and minerals to reduce the population of covid-19 or exposure to covid-19. The information was given to children in Desa Sungai Tandipah. The method used is to conduct counseling in an open environment. In this study using acceptance assessment when presenting education about the dangers of Covid-19 through interesting fairy tales for village children and education on the importance of consuming vitamins and minerals during the Covid-19 pandemic.The children's response was very good and happy, the children were very excited. listen because education is not boring and children get vitamin and mineral products and children who are active in answering questions will get prizes. Data was collected by interview and documentation methods. Children have an ups and downs immune system, therefore children are vulnerable to the risk of transmitting the Covid disease.Therefore, awareness of the dangers of Covid-19 is needed, breaking the chain of transmission, and preventing it by consuming vitamins and minerals, living healthy and clean and maintaining cleanliness, exercising and getting enough rest.This proves that children are starting to know how to prevent COVID-19.
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