Education the Importance of The Role of Parents During the Online Learning Period in times of pandemic

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Noor Asifa
Alit Suwandewi


The spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) is rapidly spreading to all parts of the world, causing changes in activity patterns in all sectors of human life at this time. Responding to the rapid spread of the virus, the government swiftly took policies in all fields including education in the country. Through the Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia enacted a policy of Learning at Home with a distance learning system through online school motto. The existence of distance learning today causes parents to experience obstacles in learning assistance such as not having enough time to accompany children because they have to work. Therefore, parents need to be educated about the importance of the role of parents in accompanying the child's learning process. The purpose of this education is expected to make parents realize the importance of its role in the child's learning process. The method used in this activity is a lecture. The result of this activity is that after being educated, parents say that they will try to take the time to monitor and accompany children to learn especially the school their children are still applying online and offline learning so it is in dire need of assistance in the learning process to help understand the lesson and motivate children to keep the spirit of learning. The conclusion of this activity is the role of parents is very important in the companion of children learning and the role of parents to children, namely as motivators, facilitators, and as mediators.

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How to Cite
Asifa, N., & Suwandewi, A. (2022). Education the Importance of The Role of Parents During the Online Learning Period in times of pandemic. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 644–649. Retrieved from


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