Providing Information and Education About Lemon (citrus limon L.) And Cucumber (cucumis sativus L.) Infused Water To Increase Immunity During Covid-19

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Windy Aulia
Dyta Setiawati Hariyono


During the current Covid-19 pandemic, the body's immunity is very important because strong immunity can prevent virus transmission, one way to increase immunity is by consuming Vitamin C.Fruits that contain lots of Vitamin C include Lemon and Cucumber. Infused water is a drink made from soaked vegetables, fruits, or spices that is very easy to make and has many benefits for those who consume it. The purpose of this Work Program provides information and education to the public about lemon and cucumber-infused water and how to make it. The results obtained are still many people who do not know about infused water (36.4%) and do not know how to make it (48.5%). After seeing the posters and watching the video tutorials that were shared, the public gained an understanding of infused water, its benefits, and how to make it and was interested in trying to make infused water

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How to Cite
Aulia, W., & Hariyono, D. S. . (2022). Providing Information and Education About Lemon (citrus limon L.) And Cucumber (cucumis sativus L.) Infused Water To Increase Immunity During Covid-19. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 194–200. Retrieved from


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