Distributing Masks and Handsanitizers at the Sudimampir Market, Providing Information Online about the Importance of Using Masks and How to Use Masks Correctly
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Covid-19 is a disease caused by a new type of corona virus that spreads very quickly, widely, and can cause death. This disease is spread by coughing or sneezing from a person infected with COVID-19. Transmission occurs when inhaling coughing and sneezing droplets or touching the eyes, nose, mouth with the hands that are exposed to these splashes. Therefore, to reduce disease transmission, preventive measures are needed, namely by wearing masks and hand sanitizers as an alternative if soap and water are not available. In this case, I want to distribute masks and hand sanitizers around the Sudimampir market and then provide information on social media about the importance of using masks and how to use masks correctly. From the results of providing information on social media and distributing masks and hand sanitizers around the Sudimampir market, the general public can be more careful with activities outside the home and can add insight into the use of masks. In conclusion, masks can prevent disease transmission and hand sanitizers are an alternative to washing hands that can kill germs or viruses that stick to your hands.
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