Training For Making Herb Curcuma (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb) To Improve The Resistance Of The Body In The Pandemic Time Covid-19

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Saifullah Saifullah
Yenny Okvitasari


Researchers have found that the discovery of immune cells can be killed by the corona virus which causes Covid-19. Whereas on the contrary, it is the immune cells that are supposed to kill viruses that enter the body and attack the immune system. The immune system can be increased by consuming food or drinks that can increase the immune system, this is an effective way to reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19. One of the food ingredients that can increase the body's immune system is ginger. Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is a type of medicinal plant from the Zingiberacean family which contains active ingredients such as curcuminoids, so it is good to use to increase endurance and stamina (immunomodulator). Other benefits of ginger are anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor (Purnomowati and Yoganingrum, 1997; Raharjo and Rostiana, 2003). If processed properly, ginger can be something delicious and provide many health benefits. One of the processed curcuma that is favored by the Indonesian people is herbal medicine. However, there are not a few Indonesian people who have not been able to process herbal medicine into herbal medicine which is actually not difficult. For this reason, training for the community on how to process ginger into herbal medicine will be very useful. using the internet network (online). For online training using the Informational Method. From the results of the training, the participants experienced an increase in their knowledge of how to process ginger into herbal medicine.

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How to Cite
Saifullah, S., & Okvitasari, Y. (2021). Training For Making Herb Curcuma (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb) To Improve The Resistance Of The Body In The Pandemic Time Covid-19. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(1), 197–205. Retrieved from


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