Training On Making Face Shields That Are Easy And Economical As A Tool To Protect Themselves From Covid-19

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Najlawati Najlawati
Muhammad Anwari


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) which is transmitted through the human respiratory system has a very high infection rate throughout the world, including Indonesia.  One way to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 is the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, face shields, and gloves.  One of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), one of which is the Face Shield, where the function of the face shield is quite effective at protecting from the risk of exposure to Covid-19. The method used in this activity is lectures and face-to-face practice but still adheres to health protocols. The activity was attended by 8 women participants. This activity was carried out in Karang Bunga Village, Mandastana District, Barito Kuala Regency. Aims to explain the process of making face shields.  The results of this activity allowed the women of Karang Bunga Village to know how to make an easy and economical face shield without having to spend a lot of money. This activity can increase the knowledge of local mothers, how to make a good and correct Face Shield.

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How to Cite
Najlawati, N., & Anwari, M. . (2022). Training On Making Face Shields That Are Easy And Economical As A Tool To Protect Themselves From Covid-19. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 144–147. Retrieved from


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