Self Character Building Training For Children In Village of Pulau Sewangi In Face Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

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Adinda widya ramadhani putri
Muhammad Yunus


The purpose of this work program is to help build children's self-confidence and be more positive in developing themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this work program is the lecture method, sharing, ice breaking and games. This work program was attended by 15 children from village of Pulau Sewangi whose education had already occupied Elementary School. The process of evaluating this work program is by providing follow-up to the village children of Pulau Sewangi after the work program has been completed for several days. This follow-up is carried out by directly asking the children who have participated in the work program about the material presented and the progress of online learning activities carried out by the children. The results of the follow-up to the children showed that the children still remembered the material presented during the activities and the self-confidence that existed in the children increased so that it helped them to be active in the learning process because with the confidence, children played an active role in expressing opinions, ideas and questions stored during online teaching and learning. In terms of preparation, implementation, and also the results of follow-up to the village children of Pulau Sewangi, this activity is categorized as successful and going well.


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How to Cite
putri, A. widya ramadhani, & Yunus, M. (2022). Self Character Building Training For Children In Village of Pulau Sewangi In Face Of The COVID-19 Pandemic. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 127–132. Retrieved from


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