Education on Proper Use of Masks & Distribution of Masks to Participants Education for Residents in Desa Terantang, Kalimantan Selatan.

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Nisrina Rafidah


Coronaviruses belong to a large group of viruses that can cause disease in humans. A new type of coronavirus that was discovered in humans, became known as COVID-19. Some information that has been widely spread indicates that there are two main ways of transmission the COVID-19 virus, namely through respiratory droplets and contact. The majority of residents living in Desa Terentang work as farmers. It’s known that there are still many residents who don’t wear masks when leaving the house for activities or going down to work in the fields. Therefore, the author provides education to residents in Desa Terantang about the importance of using masks properly when leaving the house and also distributing masks. The conclusion of this activity is that residents who live in Desa Terentang provide a very good response which is shown by the residents of Desa Terentang who participate in receiving the material well, where the educational material is about the proper use of masks when going out from the house. It is hoped that residents living in Desa Terentang will prioritize health protocols and the dangers of COVID-19, so that they can participate in reducing the risk of COVID-19 cases in the village.

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How to Cite
Rafidah, N., & Mira. (2022). Education on Proper Use of Masks & Distribution of Masks to Participants Education for Residents in Desa Terantang, Kalimantan Selatan. Prosiding Pengembangan Masyarakat Mandiri Berkemajuan Muhammadiyah (Bamara-Mu), 1(2), 122–126. Retrieved from


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